Being quite new to Bubble still, there are a few things that i know must be very quick & easy to do but i can’t find a way to do.
I need my users to select an option from a dropdown. However, there are about 70 choices so i would like to introduce a search bar around my dropdown to make it quicker for them.
I tried to create a RG with all the choices inside of a Group focus + an Icon to select, but i can’t find the workflow to take the cell value and put it in my dropdown.
Create a custom state which is of type text (or option set if thats whats being used)
Set the initial value of the dropdown as the custom state
When the icon is clicked, hide the group focus, set the custom state to that value and then reset the parent group of the dropdown. (i would recommend putting the dropdown into a group which contains nothing else)
I would recommend not using the generic dropdown at all, and just using the input element+group focus+repeating group
Really it’s just an input and a repeating group that is set to “quickfind elements data” which allows the repeating group content to filter as your user searches. If the user selects an option you can save it within a state and then display it within the input