How to select from groups with a specific probability?

I have 4 groups (A, B, C, and D). Each group has 3 items in them. However, each group has a different probability of being selected from (i.e. 10%, 20%, 50% and 20% respectively).

How would I go about setting up something like this (which selects from a group of items by using a specific probability)?

Please see the image below to see what I mean:

Hey @jackwemery93

I guess you mean statistically, right? i.e. in your example, out of 10 times, Group A was chosen once?

If so - an easy way to do this would be to have a field “Count” (type number) in your Group data type. Every time the Group is selected, you add +1 to that Count.

Then, in a simple text element, you can reference that percentage with a simple formula like (This Group's Count / All Groups' Count:sum) *100%

I’m using a simple number field here but you could also store the Group selection in a “Selected Groups” field (list of Groups) in the User data type, or in any other field that makes the most sense for your app.

Let me know if that helps

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