How to send a magic link to a pre-filled form


I have an app that has a list of products that sometimes need updated by the product manufacturers. Occasionally I want to send an email to the manufacturers that says:

“To edit your product details, visit this link below and update the form as needed”

This link would then go to a page with the product info in a pre-filled form, and allow them to update the info.

How can I do this??

For anyone interested, this worked for me after an hour of setting it up:

  1. Create a Magic Link data type and create a field for another another data type (ex. my product that I want to let users edit)
  2. Users can click a “send magic link” button to edit the product.
  3. This then sends that user an email, with the magic link in the email including a parameter for “?product=(unique id of that magic link)”
  4. To pre-fill the form with details, all you have to do is search for the Magic Link parameter in the URL, and reference the type (ex. product) that is attached to it).

This also works if you want a magic link to login. Just make sure each magic link also has a “used” field or something similar, where it would time out.


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