How to separate each item from a DB list in a repeating group?

I have been trying for hours, but am a little stuck. How do I show a list from a DB as a new line in a repeating group.

(I have used item #50 as its the only way I have to get the entire list to show)

So I have a list of qualification, each has a description. I want each to show as:

Description etc

Like this:

But is currently showing like this

Each name and description is a new entry in the DB and has a ID. It has occurred to be to remove the list from the DB and have each qualification as a new DB entry but I dont want the DB to be a mess.

Is this the only way to do this?

If you want your RG to display Qualifications, you just need to set the content type to Qualification.

Then define those qualifications to show in the datasource.

Then, inside the RG cell, if you want to display the cell’s Qualification’s Description, just use: current cell's qualification's description

@adamhholmes Associations is my qualifications table. But I have to have the content type on clients to do be able to identity the correct one from the parameter.

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