How to solve this on the DB structure?

I need ur help on this as I have spent quit a time trying to find a way to solve this - here is the scenario:
I wan to assess a vendor with prebuilt (templates) in my app and send one of them to collect feedback: below steps:
1- user create vendor (DB typeVENDORS)
2- user create assessment and attached to target vendor (DB type Assessment)
3- user select a template and sent to vendor to provide answers (template= is 300 of questions uploaded in my app)… and let say I have 5 or 10 templates loaded to choose from

1- How to store and show these templates without mixing all of them in one big table?
2- How to store the answers from each vendor for each assessment (could be different template)?

what’s the best simple DB structure to use perf wise…

Appreciate your help and advises

Hi @echouah,
I understand what you are facing. Explaining over a call will be much better. If you are interested in having a call section with me you can let me know.

I don’t think this need a “call section” … an idea or guidance will be just enough.
Thanks for taking the time to respond.