How to stop Youtube video with workflow?

Hey @oleksiy :slight_smile:

I took a quick look at your app and I think it’s giving you trouble because the popup is a reusable element, which contains a repeating group - making it a little tricky to ensure the data source gets reset. It’s possible to set it up in that way, but I think it may be easier to not have it be a reusable element. I didn’t want to alter your setup, so I created a new page in your app called “test”:

Editor Link:

Preview Link:

On this page, once Watch is clicked, that cell’s Video data is displayed in the popup:

The setup for the popup is:

*The data source is empty by default, so that when it resets once the popup is closed, it doesn’t continue to play a video. The data source is only not empty when data is sent to it after clicking “Watch”.

Here the data source of the video player is the Parent Group Popup’s data source, which is displayed depending on which repeating group Video cell the User just clicked on.

And in preview mode the page looks like this:

When Watch is clicked, the selected video is displayed in the popup and plays automatically:

When the User clicks out of the popup, the popup ‘resets’, and the video stops, when the popup is closed.

I’m not sure if the video will automatically resize when the phone screen is rotated, but I think it should as long as the popup is not set to fixed width. If it doesn’t, we can try to get that part working as well!

And that should do it :slight_smile: Feel free to let me know if you have any questions!