How to verify if BBCode is correct?


I’m creating a forum using software. I let my users use BBCode in posts and comments. However, if User provides something like for example “[img][/img]” or “[img]abc[/img]” as only comment input it turns out to be empty.

I would like to check if provided BBCode is correct, like for example if image source is valid (because if it’s not - comment turns out to be empty).

Hey @taon :wave:

That’s a cool idea! While I haven’t done it, you might be able to put this sort of functionality together with a plugin like this one.

Basically, you’ll want something that can check to see if there’s a valid link or not. Worth a shot and if that one doesn’t work, I’d give our plugin marketplace a look to see if there’s something else that might fit the bill.

And of course, don’t hesitate to reach out with any additional questions. You can reach us directly at

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