Html element -function not defined

I placed this code within the editor page , and preview it , but it keeps give me error “render function is not defined “ and component not displayed , I would appreciate your help [quote=“arumizan, post:1, topic:334967, full:true”]
I placed this code within the editor page , and preview it , but it keeps give me error “render function is not defined “ and component not displayed , I would appreciate your help


Payment page example
<!-- 1. This script loads duffel-components -->
<script src="http://localhost:8000/duffel-payments.js"></script>

Payment page example

<!-- 2. Add the custom element to your markup where you want to render the payments card -->
] [/quote]

The script src points to a local host which might not work if you haven’t deployed anything. It’s better to have this deployed on a cloud service and import this from there


Thanks for help , what the thing should be deployed?

The duffel components script

So I should deploy it , the point to that source

Ideally, yes. Once that is successful, we can debug and check if any errors show up.