Hyperformula in toolbox plugin

Hi everybody.

Does anyone have experience in using Hyperformula (https://hyperformula.handsontable.com/) to manage table data and formulas and creating a custom interface to show / enter data? My aim is to manage table data within a single text field (json formatted i suppose), allowing to have formula and references in the table cells.
I tried with some help from ai suggestion:
*load the hyperformula from a cdn:
*execute a run javascript from toolbox with this code: const hf = HyperFormula.buildEmpty();
const sheetId = hf.addSheet(‘Foglio1’);
hf.setCellContents({ sheet: sheetId, col: 0, row: 0 }, [[‘=1+1’]]);
console.log(hf.getCellValue({ sheet: sheetId, col: 0, row: 0 })); // Output: 2

then i am not able to retrieve the data and display it in a vertical repeating group for rows that contains a horizontal repeating group for columns that contains a cell