hi guys i’m trying to do a checkbox to accept terms and conditions, the logic work but i create a error message “you didn’t accept conditions” and the message don’t want to appear on the screen.
How is the visibility condition of your " group erreur politique"?
yes, like this.
I recreated the workflow with the same steps here and it worked.
Did you test debug_mode to see why it’s not visible?
The check “collapse when hidden” should only be in the group, the internal content should be visible.
Hmm Maybe try adding a ‘terminate workflow’ after the alert with the same condition so it doesn’t go on to the next steps? Would that help?
its exactly what i did haha i will try debug mode i never used it i’m new on bubble
i try exactly the same on another page and that work
Can you share the link to your editor? so it’s easier to identify the issue…
As it works on other pages, you can delete the workflows and create them again. Sometimes these bugs appear rsrs
this is exactly what i did and now it works !
i have an other question, idk if someone can answer but when use take the link of any page of my app on private google page, i can see what contain the page without ask login can you help me ?
You can just set up workflows on each page to redirect users that are not logged in back to your index page.
that’s what i did but for security this solution is 0
On all pages where your user needs to be logged in to see the content, you will place the workflow = When: “User is logged out” and then redirect the user to the page you want, in this case it could be the login page.
Now, it also depends on the type of content on your site, you will need to adjust the privacy rules. But this workflow above protects the content very well.