ImagePro Image Tools - New Plugin from Gimazu

You needs 4 elements of the suite: Loader, Reducer, Cropper and Uploader

Set the reducer settings like this (using as input image the Loader->Image loaded)

Set the Cropper settings like this (using as initial content image the Reducer->Resized Image)

Create a workflow when “Button Load Image is clicked” and choose “Browse a ImagePro - Loader” element action. (Then in the dialog box, select the Loader element)

Create a workflow when “Button Crop Image is clicked” and choose “Get Crop a ImagePro - Cropper” element action. (Then in the dialog box, select the Cropper element)

If you want to save automatically on cropping event create a workflow to intercept this event

then select Upload to Bubble a ImagePro Uploader

and set this action using as image This ImagePro-Cropper’s Cropped Image

Create a workflow to intercept Bubble upload complete event

and finally you can create workflow to create your custom type thin with Reduced and Cropped Image.

If you try to create this prototype you will see that everything happens with very good performances because every processing (with the exception of sending the file and creating the new thing) is done directly client side from the browser :wink: