Importing 30K records via CSV from UI

Looking through many posts I have not seemed to find an answer to this question.

I currently have a process that allows for a CSV to be imported via the front end to a temp table directly then use a API workflow to do post-processing. The post processing is fine as I have a recursive API workflow that just chuncks through any number of records.

The problem is the limitation in the Upload Data as the CSV bubble action is limited to 200/1000 records respectively between Pro and Business. I assume there is a way to parse CSVs without using this Bubble action but I can’t seem to figure out how.

Any thoughts on this? The files will have generally 30K records normally.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @rivergalli where you able to solve this in any way?

No in the end we didn’t really need to parse more then 1K. That has been working for us since its an internal process.

From the front end? Use the 1T plugin I think is what it’s called by @eli

Thanks, I will check this out.