Interesting graph😁

Has anyone ever managed to make such a graph
And can give me directions? :kissing_heart:
Link to an example image of the graph

Is there anyone?
I need help urgently… :kissing_closed_eyes:

There’s 2 ways you can go about this…

  1. Use a chart Library like chart.js - this is arguably the easier option, but you’ll need to be familiar with the library and how to use it in Bubble (there are various plugins for chart.js, or you can implement it manually with code).

  2. Create it yourself with Bubble elements (groups) and some custom CSS

Option 2 gives you more control - and for simple charts can be relatively easy to do.

Does the chart.js library have the option for such a graph?
I didn’t see it there…
Have you ever dealt with a graph like this? :innocent:

You can use a ‘Stacked Bar Chart’:

Have you ever dealt with a graph like this? :innocent:

Yes, plenty of times.

Another option is QuickChart, which you provides highly granular control for chart creation via URL query parameters. I’ve found that service very usable.

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