Investor Analysis Tool

I wanted to share our latest project

We made it in a week to test out a new idea for making analytical tools to help investors figure out new equity crowdfunding deals.

It uses the itheme template by @csblack which saved us alot of time and worked really well! Especially in not having to worry about responsive for mobile too much since it was already designed that way :wink:

And we used the animated features template from @romanmg to liven it up.

Without bubble and these great templates I know it would have taken much longer than a week so I wanted to say thanks. And let me know what you think - happy to provide feedback and the tools we used.

Last - Please pass along to any of your investor minded friends for feedback.

Best, John

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Awesome! Looks great. Thanks for the plug and best of luck with the launch.

Looking good @john3

Also on the investing end, checkout who help startups with their seed round automating the job of a lawyer (the straightforward stuff) Amazing service, Iโ€™m currently using them.


How did you make the website to load so fast?


Oh weโ€™re on the dedicated plan sharing with @gregoryjohn. From my past experience we needed the speed and stability to assure the user experience was right for what weโ€™re working on. So it was definitely worth it to us :slight_smile:

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