Is it possible to make an internal workflow from external button?

Can a click on an external button from example mailer lite start a workflow in my bubble application…

I have maked a bill module where my users can send bills to there customer… and when the user fill out data in there backoffice it generates it as an entry in the database

I have then maked a new page with a clean view of that bill (not editable) so there will be a workflow that when my user creates that bill it will automatically sendt to the customer by mail… in that mail i want a button there says “see my bill now” then i want to redirect them to the page with the clean view of the bill and send the data from there entry to that bill…

How can i make that possible?

If I understand you correctly, this should be possible using url parameters. You will need the button to link to a page whose url would contain some string that you can read using a workflow on that page to trigger any workflow you want. As an example, the url could be

Your workflow will then check for the “eid” value to determine whether to execute anything or not. You can set the (series of) workflows you need executed if a condition you set is met.

Hope this makes sense?