Hi all,
I have a sidebar with menu items in it. One of these menu items is called “Portfolio” and when clicking on it, a submenu (repeating group called “Portfolio”) appears. When users click on a submenu item, I want the text of the submenu item to be highlighted. For that, I’ve setup a URL parameter called “asset” in the workflow.
I’ve used :lowercase as the text in the repeating group cell starts with an uppercase character.
To have the text we click on highlighted, I set up a condition on the text of the repeating group as follow.
I’m using :uppercase to have it correctly evaluated with the Repeating group’s cell display as it is case sensitive.
The text is not highlighted when I click on it and I don’t know why.
option sets are case sensitive. You are parameter in lower case value. But in conditional formatting you are converting it to Uppercase. change both to just current cell’s portforlio’s display and check.
Indeed it worked! However it makes the parameter to be uppercase in the URL. Could it cause an issue somehow?
Initially, I tried to convert the current cell’s portfolio’s display to lowercase in conditional formatting such asCurrent cell's Portfolio's Display:lowecase
but I couldn’t, the :lowercase
option did not show up. This is why I tried to change the parameter to lowercase first and then converting it to uppercase in the conditional formatting with Get asset from page URL:uppercase
before evaluation with the Current cell's Portfolio's Display
but I don’t understand why it didn’t work.