Issue with Sending Prompts in Live Version of OpenAI API App

Hello everyone,

I am developing an app that uses the OpenAI API to generate images. Everything works fine in the development version, where prompts are sent and received correctly. However, in the live version, it appears as though the prompts are not being sent at all.

I’ve double-checked the code several times and can’t find any differences between the versions that might explain this issue. I’ve also tried refreshing the API key and checking the API permissions in the live environment, but nothing has resolved the problem.

Has anyone else encountered a similar issue, or can anyone suggest a possible solution? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as this is crucial for my project.

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!

Check any Bubble endpoints being used. Bubble has two databases and you may be have left logic using test-version endpoints or important dB entries that may not have been copied from dev to live.

I dont see anything