I have been having an issue for several weeks that I cannot seem to solve. I am trying to POST into Shopify a customer record. I have a ScheduleAPI Worklfow and select the token from a table called MerchAuth where the token is stored and pass it into the workflow
The tokens is then “set” into the header for the call along with the store URL that is a key in Shopify.
Every single time, the API fails.
I have gone into the API Connector, manually filled in customer records and token and it posts into Shopify every single time. Works like a charm.
The problem appears to be the Do A Search For is not getting the token. I added a step in the workflow to write the storeurl and token into a table to see if it’s being captured - store URL is there, but the token is not.
Bubble Support is telling me they see the token and it’s invalid
Bubble workflow is showing the token as missing.
i have tried using Results from Step X to use the storeurl to get the token, I have tried Do a Search for, to get the token, but none of them seem to be woking within the Schedule API Workflow.
The storeurl is also unique in the MerchAuth table because it is a key in Shopify so it is a key for us.
is anyone else experiencing problems looking up a data element from a table in Schedule API Workflow? (and no, it’s not a privacy issue).