For the below code I get error: Raw response for the API
Status code 400
{“error”:true,“status”:400,“message”:“Invalid input url. Please set url to the link accessible without authentication or upload a file to API and use as a input link for other APIs.”,“credits”:0,“duration”:0,“errorCode”:400,“remainingCredits”:10000}
“script”: {
“description”: “Access custom state and call API with file URLs”,
“code”: [
“// Access the custom state from the UploadRFPDocument element”,
“const fileUrlsJson = document.querySelector(‘#UploadRFPDocument’).getAttribute(‘data-custom-state-fileUrls’);”,
"// Log the JSON to ensure it's correct",
"// Parse the JSON string to an array (ensure it's valid JSON)",
"let fileUrls;",
"try {",
" fileUrls = JSON.parse(fileUrlsJson);",
"} catch (error) {",
" console.error('Error parsing JSON:', error);",
" return; // Exit if JSON parsing fails",
"// Iterate over each URL and call the API",
"fileUrls.forEach(fileUrl => {",
" // Prepare the API payload",
" const payload = {",
" \"url\": fileUrl // Adjust to the required field name by the API",
" };",
" // Make the API call (adjust function name and payload structure as needed)",
" ExtractTextFromRFP.Process_Single_PDF(JSON.stringify(payload)); // Ensure the payload is sent as a JSON string",