This formatting is the required for having a DATA BULK action within the Data API.
Any ideas of how I can directly from the workflow manage to make some changes from the original output so that it is just as I described with 1 object per line?
hergin, just a quick question. How would you add “Created by” user in this array of json objects which is actually received as a text to the bulk action? Thanks
I would do it here, right before } as ,"createdBy":"SomeUser". But of course if each json item has different created by, you might need to do some more tricks.
Brother, unfortunately for that case it doesn’t work as I expected.
Because when I try to initialize the Data bulk call in the API connector with “user” datatype it just do not go through. Error appears.
The issue I’m having is this: when I create “Operations” datatype in bulk action with API connector I do not know how to associate every single of those operations to the actual “current user”. Even the “Created By” field remains empty.