Hi all, It would be ideal for one of the Bubble developers to answer this question, but suddenly other developers also know the answer.
Imagine that you have a table in a database with a list type field. As you know, this list will always contain only unique values (if you add the letter D 3 times to the list A,B,C,D, then the list will still remain A,B,C,D).
Next we have the Make change to thing action, in which we add a value to this list. It can be done in two ways with the same result:
- An action without conditions, which, no matter how many times it is executed, would always add the letter D to the list A,B,C,D.
- Action with the condition Only when the list does not contain D, then add D to the list.
In both cases the result will be A,B,C,D.
How will WU be spent in these two cases?
Which option will be completed faster?
How would you do it?