Just add the value to the list or check for its existence before adding? #QuickBubble

Hi all, It would be ideal for one of the Bubble developers to answer this question, but suddenly other developers also know the answer.

Imagine that you have a table in a database with a list type field. As you know, this list will always contain only unique values ​​(if you add the letter D 3 times to the list A,B,C,D, then the list will still remain A,B,C,D).

Next we have the Make change to thing action, in which we add a value to this list. It can be done in two ways with the same result:

  1. An action without conditions, which, no matter how many times it is executed, would always add the letter D to the list A,B,C,D.
  2. Action with the condition Only when the list does not contain D, then add D to the list.

In both cases the result will be A,B,C,D.

How will WU be spent in these two cases?
Which option will be completed faster?
How would you do it?


The first option would run Make changes to a thing every time even when unnecessary, whilst the second would only run it if it’s needed. The second option would be more WU efficient. The speed would be indistinguishable.

Thanks for the answer, I think so too.