Keep selected value on dropdown while dependent on each other


I have a catalog with several filters on the left side.
The filters are connected to the Airtable API.

I would like the 3 dropdowns at the bottom to be dependent on each other, but also on the other filters (no problem with that):

When I select a value in one dropdown, the other dropdowns propose values according to the other values chosen. But when I select a value in the second and third dropdown, the first and second dropdowns are reset:


How can I keep the selected value in the dropdown while they are dependent on each other?

Thank you for your help !

Do you have circular dependencies?

Is your source of dropdown changing with API call?


They are dependent of each other.
Here the data sources :

Dropdown 1 :

Dropdown 2 :

Dropdown 3 :

Looks like you have circular dependencies.

A’s source are dependent on value of B and C;
B’s source are dependent on value of C and A;
C’s source are dependent on value of A and B;

In that case naturally the system would get confused as to what should happen to the source of B when value of A changes?

Possible to remove the circular dependencies?

My idea was to propose a filter system that updates itself according to the values selected in the other filters, as is often the case in e-commerce.

Example: a clothing store with different filters => category, size, brand, material…

If I choose the category “tee-shirt”, the other filters will propose values based on the tee-shirt category.
Then if I choose the color red, in the “brand” filter, I’ll only see brands offering red tee-shirts, etc.

I thought I could do this by making circular dependencies, but the value isn’t kept.

Is this possible in another way?

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