Leafy Maps 🌿 (new free plugin)

@andrew.waites Yes, the event was badly named, I renamed it to “Point location is inside area” and also to “Point location is outside area”, each are triggered based on what happens.
No need for a wait. The name was “User located inside area…” but not always the point is a user.


There is no event “Point location is inside area” - is this coming in an imminent update?

I gather you are saying that you are:

  • renaming event “Users location is inside an area” to “Point location is inside area”
  • renaming event “When user’s location is outside area” to “Point location is outside area”

and that these fire when “Check if point is contained in polygon…” returns a result.

So the workflow would call the “Check if point…” then terminate. Have a separate workflow that is triggered by “Point location is inside area” and when that is triggered the leafymap’s “Which zone is the point contained in?” has a value.

Is this correct?

Can I suggest that this be part of the “Get map centre” action (recalculating the zoom level) so that the return event “Center attained” also means that the zoom level has been set.

This way, one action/event sequence will provide enough information to save a map configuration (as far as location/zoom anyway.

Update to the latest version then refresh your editor to see the changes (:

Will this plugin ever be updated to the new responsive engine?

Maybe! If someone sponsors the work, yes.

Hi @vini_brito!

How do I use the “A Leafy Map Location Error” event?

Specifically, how do I access the error message? As shown in the screenshot, there is no “Leafy error message” or similar data source available.

Hi Greg! I do not publish the error message, and I don’t remember there being one but thinking about it now, there should be one given by the browser.

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Fantastic, just what I’m looking for, I think. However, is it possible for the user to create a line or polygon by clicking on the map? If so, how?

hi i have successfully able to draw some polygons but i can’t seem to make the “Set drawing style Leafymap” affect the actual “Draw list of polygons Leafymap” which is the next step on the flow it just renders a blue polygon color and fill any clues ?

Hi, I need help with this, but the demos are broken. E.g. pdf-conjurer-testbed | Bubble Editor

I hope you can fix them!


Can anyone give me hint as to how I can create a list of latitudes and longitudes that the Line action needs?

I want the user to enter place names for ‘From’ and ‘To’, and have Leafy Maps place marker on these points (successfully done) and draw a line between these markers.


These lists need to be stored in fields.

Thanks for the help!

@vini_brito - the demo’s are not working any longer. It looks the the Leafy Map plugin itself has been removed. Could you maybe have a look?

Hi @vini_brito
I just discover your plugin, myself beeing GIS expert before beeing No-Code fan :slight_smile :slight_smile:

I would like being able to add my own WFS or GeoJSON sources to a map. From what I see it doesn’t seem possible at the moment. Is it in the roadmap ? Is there a way I can contribure if not ?


@maja-overgaard Yeah I am aware of that, maybe one day I will have the opportunity to fix the examples.

@vlebert There is no roadmap, only features that are requested and sponsored by users. So if you want you can contribute time if you know how to code or contribute by sponsoring the work needed to build new features.

Loving this app and playing around with it. A little stuck on something… anyone know how to link the map through the workflows to the database?

It asks for the Latitude and Longitude to display a marker or a list of markers, but how can we pull that info direction from the database?

Much thanks!!

Is it possible to have more than one popup show at a time? I tried a loop to display them but as one opens the other closed…

Here is a stackoverflow.com of how it’s done, not sure if it’s possible with the current implementation?

Id like all my info popups to display at the same time.

interested on this also

Hi @vini_brito,

I have this error that appeared. I don’t understand why (I didn’t make any specific changes with the plugin).

I tried to revert to a previous version (that I am sure works) but I still get the error.

Do you have any idea what is causing the problem?

Hi! Likely a text going missing. It is not finding anything to remove with the provided name.
Also, I made no changes lately as well.

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