Lifetime Deal - Treefort!

Great news! We recently launched our lifetime deal with DealMirror for Treefort - a Bubble built app for crowdsourcing ideas, track interest, and prioritize what to work on next.

It’s a simple way to involve your community and customers in your product or service’s roadmap and build what they really want.

For $99 once, you get access to Treefort, 5 roadmaps and unlimited tracked users FOREVER!

Here is our explainer video:

Buy the deal below:

Any questions let me know!


Nice offer.

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Love the video! Which system did you use to create it?


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You might want to check responsiveness on the pricing tables.

Thanks yes that is by design

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Hey, can you send me the link aswell :slight_smile:

Who is that fiverrr guy…Let everyone give him more fiverrr job

@melon @reger-alexander

Hey, this was through an old business I had called Poptales. Just created a new post as had loads of these questions lol!