List of the last three months

I want to show an repeating group with the last three months and in every month i show an repeating group with items of that month.

I have set the type of content in the repeating group to “date”, and i tried to create an list in the data source but “current data/time” is not available there. then i tried to create an custom state “date” (list) on the page load with an list of “current data/time” but i can only enter one current date time. The :plus or merge option to create an list is not available.

Whatever i try, i cannot create an list with the dates of the last three months. Does anybody know how to create an list with dates?


I suggest you use 2 repeating groups

A first one that is a search of yours item group by date

And a second one within the first to search items within current cell’s date/month:

The result:

Thanks for your answer.

but if i have articles from the last 6 months how can i see only the articles from the last 3 months? now i will see all 6 months right?

also if there are no articles in that month

2 techniques

  • filter the search before the groupby to call only articles with a date in the last three monts
  • adjust the starting date of your group by to do so (ex below)

A month with no articles will only be displayed if you check the “Do not skip empty groups”

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