I’ve created a stopwatch using date and time stopwatch plug-in to create logged hours. The issue I am have if is when I try to total the logged times from the stopwatch
logged hours sum : logged minutes sum : logged seconds sum
It is not converting to total as a time but is converting the logged time in numbers so when there are seconds being totalled it doesn’t stop at 60 seconds for example if I have 4 time logs of 20 seconds it’s totalling as 80 seconds (0:0:80) rather then a minute and 20 seconds (0:1:20)
How to I make it so when It hits 60 seconds it converts to one minute in order to display the total as a logical time total.
Thanks would you be able to show the expression and how to setup the data types/fields for it because right now I have a logged times type with hours minutes and seconds as fields so how to I convert those into a total logged time.
That ended up working perfectly!! thanks @animisha45
Couple follow up questions.
At the moment it displays as h:m:s how to I convert that to hh:mm:ss
I am then wanting to be able to convert the time into a single number i.e. 2:10:33 is 2.1758hr in order to be able to do calculations on the number like hourly pay and other deductions. is there a certain expression I could use for that?