Looking for help with Wasabi and SSE encryption

I am building a bubble app where users can store privately pictures and media. Security is very important.

I manage, via the zerocode plug-in, to upload encrypted files but now I cannot save the uploaded file in the database as a new thing only when sse encryption is active. Consequently, I cannot load media in a repeating group. Everything works well when I don’t have encryption activated.

Looking for paid consultancy on this. Anybody with experience ?

Hi @ruleben,

Thanks so much for using our plugins! We truly appreciate it :pray:

We are currently talking with the developers regarding the retrieval of files uploaded to Wasabi using the SSE-C encryption in order to gain more details about it, and we will get back to you as soon as we have more information or a confirmation.

If you have other questions about our plugins in the meantime, please let us know!

Best regards :sunflower:

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Thank you. Will wait for news on your side.

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Hi @ruleben,
Thanks so much for your patience, and wishing you a happy new year :hugs:
We wanted to inform you about a new update for the Wasabi plugin - version 1.123.0. This update focuses on retrieving SSE-C encrypted files from your Wasabi bucket.

Firstly, the Download File action has been updated, now including a new optional field for the SSE key. This allows you to download encrypted files. The setup is similar to downloading a regular file. You can use the “Create Presigned URL” action to generate a presigned URL and then provide the result of this action to the “Download File” action along with the SSE key. As shown in the linked screenshots, this is how you can set up the workflow.

Additionally, a new action named “Retrieve encrypted files” has been added. It can be used after the “Retrieve files” action.

You should configure the “Retrieve files” action based on the files you want to fetch from your bucket. The “Retrieve encrypted files” action should receive the results of the previous action, specifically the SSE URLs provided in a new state called “SSE URL.” You’ll also need to add the SSE key to the “Retrieve encrypted files” action.

Please review how we’ve configured the action “Retrieve files”, the “Retrieve encrypted files” action, and the last action used to display the list in a repeating group.

The file details, including filename, extension, and prefix, will be obtained from the “Retrieve files” action’s result. However, the URL to display images, for instance, will be available in a new state added to the element called “Encrypted Files URL,” which is a list.

Below is an example of how we’ve simply set up the files and file information in a repeating group. The repeating group type should be set to “Retrieved File” as shown in the screenshot. You can add the file information from the current cell’s data. To display the encrypted images (as an example) retrieved from the bucket in an Image element, you can use the next dynamic expression - screenshot - providing the image element with the URL from state “Encrypted Files URL”

Please let us know if you have any further questions or if we haven’t provided clear enough information about how it works or can be set up. We’d be delighted to assist you further!

Best regards :hibiscus:

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Thank you so much! Will review in detail over the next few days

hi @ruleben,

Thanks so much :hugs: Please get back to us if you have any questions or need more assistance!

Best regards :sunflower:

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