Looking up a relationship in reverse?

Yep, create a repeating group (RG) with source User and have it do a search for Users based on a Home. If you want to show the Users within a RG of Homes, then put that User RG into the Home RG cell and have it reference the current cell’s Home as the source for the search (note that an embedded RG like this this can result in a slower population of results if your data set is big).

Or if you only want to show Users in a details view for a Home, then just have the User RG reference the Home being displayed.

Note that there is some debate on whether you should also have a “Home” field listing the Users associated with the home. It really depends on the nature of your dataset and how you are going to search and display it.

For me, if you only are going to list the Users in a details view on a Home, I would have created the same database setup you have. If however you want to list a Home’s users in a table of Homes, then you may want to explore linking both ways if your test app isn’t running fast enough.

You can read all about those issues here… Alternative approach to the Bubble’s recent tutorials for list of things

PS: if you are looking to dig deeper into understanding Bubble database setup and the impact on speed, I highly recommend this book: The Ultimate Guide to Bubble Performance - 156 pages of optimizing tips