Markdown Pro šŸŒ + Tailwind styles (free!)

Just to make sure I understood: you would like to have an action instead of a visual element? Are you trying to execute this action on the frontend or backend?

If on the frontend, you could probably accomplish what I imagine youā€™re trying to do roughly like this:

  1. create a group ā€“ letā€™s call it wrapperGroup
  2. put the md-to-html element inside of it.
  3. set the wrapperGroup data type to text
  4. link the md to convert field to the the wrapperGroupā€™s value.
  5. in your workflow, do a display data in wrapperGroup
  6. then do something with md-to-html's html output.

If itā€™s for the backend, that action doesnā€™t yet exists but I could create it.

@rico.trevisan Great solution! Is there a convenient way to set attributes within links other than using find & replace?

Iā€™d like all links to be set to target=ā€œ_blankā€ and rel=ā€œnofollowā€

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Iā€™ve added a new option for open in new window, defaults to false, the previous behavior.

For the nofollow, Iā€™ve looked through the ShowdownJS repo (and a few other repos like Marked, Markdown-itā€¦) but I didnā€™t find a simple way to do that. So it will have to be find and replace for the moment.

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Something changed recently in how the plugin renders single returns (new lines). For example:

Night whispers his name,
Caped crusader in moonlight,
Darkness fights with light.

Will render as a single line of text like this:

Night whispers his name, Caped crusader in moonlight, Darkness fights with light.

I donā€™t think it used to do that. Am I hallucinating?

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Release 2.5.0 - Bubble action to convert

The plugin can now convert and return the HTML.

2024-06-05 12.00.41

Hey there, we dont have access to V2.5.0. Is that possible to fix ? Thanks !

I thought it was this setting

ā€¦ but I was wrong.

Even the demo page has that same issue:

Maybe (hard) refresh the editor? Itā€™s showing up in the demo app: Markdown-pro | Bubble Editor

yep ! Thank you !

Hi @rico.trevisan - yes the showdown-katex plugin should do the trick for mathematical formula

But are we able to make it compatible with what the gpt markdown api returns ?

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did you ever get this working?

Just open a WIP project and realized the HTML render looks awkward. ANy ideas?

Thanks, it looks like the CSS is messed up. I think Tailwind subsetted the CSS utility I was using.

Thanks to you.
So, is it something you should fix at your end only or anyone can try to solve? (sorry for my ignorance but don want to learn about CSS, just want my stuff done)

You can create your own stylesheet to handle this.

At the same time, Iā€™m working on a little plugin to be able to more easily style the output of this markdown plugin. But it will take me some time.


Hello, I am contacting you to find out if it was possible to use markdown it as a converter rather than showdown, markdown-it can integrate Katex with a plugin if I am not mistaken. Unlike showdown. That would make the perfect plugin.

hey @rico.trevisan , so far amazing and useful plugin. Iā€™m using it to load MD from GH repo and works nicely except for relative paths for images. Maybe something you may consider to improve in upcoming versions. Meanwhile I will create a script to force a full URL

Anyway we can convert html back to md?
using html editor to easily edit the table formatting and then putting back into md to save it