Maybe someone didn’t think this through very well. Oct 1st Updates

Ok, not sure why this just came to my brain overnight. Anyone else concerned about next week as an agency or developer?

So when Bubble pushes the updates to everyone on Oct. 1st, if there are any issues, either with Bubble directly or with our clients or personal apps, where will many Bubble Developers be? On vacation in New York at the BubbleCon starting Oct. 2nd.

So if there are issues, many won’t be able to assist or will be so busy helping others that they can’t enjoy BubbleCon.

Anyone else concerned? :sweat_smile: Just me?


Yeah… this isn’t the best timing. I’ve been pushing for optimisations the last few weeks and raising client awareness, but luckily most apps I manage are already on the new plan.

You’ve been with Bubble longer, so i imagine a greater percentage of your client apps are still on the legacy plan, is that true?

There is also the problem that the ‘Schedule API workflow on a list’ performance optimisation (which also translate to WU optimisations) are only available on WU plans, so we can’t deploy and test it on legacy plans because long lists on the legacy plan still break the server. This was… quite a questionable decision.

Well I’m still really looking forward to BubbleCon! Hope to see you there!


I’m sure not everyone on the Bubble team will be at BubbleCon :slight_smile:

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Yeah. Maybe that is the issue. Any of us that have been here for a long time might have more of an issue than others I would assume. :confused:

Yeah. That’s true.

I always get have some concerns at any bigger Bubble changes based on past experiences, but I am curious what would be some of the highest risk issues or concerns you have here?

My understanding is this should only affect Billing, which I don’t thinks is an urgent matter and can be sorted out through normal delayed support

Yeah, I’m thinking large workflows that are going to runaway and cost clients money (hopefully Bubble will fix those issues for them like you said) or just things that will break apps like the schedule on a list issue mentioned in another thread. I just imagine there are going to be issues that we can’t foresee. :blush::man_shrugging:

I’m so glad I’ll be off the forum for a couple of days… there’ll be a lot of unhappy people here. Or, maybe it’ll be the following month when their payment amounts start updating with their WU overage costs


:rofl: Hopefully it won’t be a big deal. :sweat_smile:


All on deck ready to help, actually. The team has been planning this for months, and we have contingencies in place for a lot of things. A lot of team members that would like to be at BubbleCon with everyone else will instead be at their desk monitoring and helping if anything happens


That’s good to know. Hope there isn’t any catastrophes. :blush:

Can always manually switch over a day or two early to ‘beat the rush’

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Yeah, I am not worried about my own app, just other peoples mostly. :blush:

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Something I noticed in the upgrade is that Bubble set me on the Growth plan (good) with the expectation that I will have some Workload Overages as my app had about 280k WU last month. But not enough for them to put me in a ‘WU Tier’

BUT by default the ‘Allow Overage Charges’ was not enabled, meaning my app would go offline once 250k WUs are hit (I think). For anyone who operates a serious app & business with paid users there is not a chance you want the app just going offline like this. So be sure to double check your apps under the App Plan

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Good to keep in mind. Hopefully they will warn you if you are getting close at least. Then it wouldn’t be a huge issue. I can see your concern though for sure. I am going to check mine out to see what changed and try to keep an eye on bug reports.

Hi @gf_wolfer, thanks for flagging this - the team is looking into it now :+1:

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