Menu is not displaying- help

hi, the main menu is not displaying. the button work, because it redirects to thepage it should, so i think the workflows are corrent.

how do I make it visiblae?

What menu? What button?

Are you saying there should be some text above the blue line in your image?

If that’s the case there could be any number of reasons why it’s not displaying, but without seeing the layout settings, conditions, and other settings of your app, no one can give much help (other than guessing)…

So feel free to share some more info (screenshots, links etc.)

Or, if that’s not what you’re talking about then clarify the question…

I’m not sure that answers any of my questions… so I’m just guessing here…

I assume you’re talking about the blue/purple line at the top?

And I assume there should be some text above it? yes?

Again, there could be any number of reasons why it’s not displaying… unless you can share some relevant screenshots or editor links I can only guess…

It could be the text element is too small
It could be there is no data to show
It could be some conditional formatting issue
It could even be pivacy rules…

If I had to guess, I’d say the text element is too small to display the text…

can you help? I can give you access

Sure, feel free to share a read-only link in here, so myself or someone else can take a quick look…

But I can already tell you it’s because your text element and/or parent containers are too small to display the ‘Management’ text…

You need to make sure they’re wide enough to display the text (i.e. they don’t have max width settings too small for the text)…

If you make sure the width of the elements isn’t too narrow you’ll be able to see the text, like this:

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