Multi step sign up process

I have a multi step sign up process. On the first screen I collect email and password and log the user in. After I’m planning on asking 5 questions where the inputs are vital to the ux of the app.

Is it best to ask these questions on one page within groups or should I have a unique page per question.

Either way, if a user abandons the sign up process after step 3 let’s say, then how do I make sure the next time they come back they have to start from the beginning. Ensuring that they don’t visit the main app page until the sign up process is finished.

There are a few ways to do this. We have a multi-step sign up in our app, and here’s what we did:

We create the user account on step 1. They have an account, password, and are now logged in.
We have defaults on the other fields we want to collect, defaults that would never be possible in the signup flow. When the user logs in, we check against those defaults. Here’s an example: If we want to collect their City, we put the default to, " I Haven’t Entered a City Yet Sheesh." When they login, we do a check to see if their “city” value is equal to that default. If it is, we direct them to that step in the signup process.

As far as UX is concerned, it depends on what device you’re targeting and how many fields your forms are. I tend to like multistep flows, it helps me organize similar content and prevents the user from being overwhelmed by lots of stuff on one page. Just an opinion, tho.


Wow. Creative solution for ensuring the right step is presented. @restofcommunity is this what you would do to ensure the right step is presented?

As far as multi steps, i agree with you i think they are more elegant. To clarify, my question is:

Should each step be contained within its own group on one page such that when the first group ie first step is complete that step is hidden and the next group is shown and so on and so forth.

or should each step be designed on its own page?

Ah, yeah. We do the group thing on one page.

ok thanks for clarifying.

related to this discussion about hiding/unhiding groups versus new pages:

I have a repeating group displaying images. there’s two versions of this group 1) all 2) favorites. would you suggest hiding/unhiding groups or two separate pages?

Depends on what the UX is. If it’s something the user is toggling between, you can actually use the same repeating group, but change the data source (if they’re all the same type.) What’s the user flow for this case?

they’re all the same type. the flow is:

i have an app bar with 3 icons – “gallery” “favorites” and “account”

when the user taps “gallery” i’d like to display all products

when the user taps “favorites” i’d like to display what they’ve saved

when the user taps “account” i’d like to display what they’ve uploaded

additionally, above the icons, i’d like the page title to change to reflect which repeating group is being shown

i have this working on separate pages currently. originally, had it working on one page where when the user tapped an icon i ran a search specific to what that icon was supposed to show. this worked fine, but i couldnt figure out how to change the page title to properly reflect the repeating group. now im wondering if i could just do that element alone with groups?

Hmm, I don’t know much about the page titles. I haven’t had to fiddle with adjusting them dynamically.

You can def do the tab part the way you described, but the page title is a head scratcher for me.

Ok, thanks for your help! i’ll respond back to this feed if i figure something out.

Last question, when you created your defaults. Did you create one default user with those responses as “their” responses?

In the “User” type, we just added fields and set the default of those fields. So every user that was created would get the default thing we specified in the DB view. When they went through the process, then we’d change the value stored there.

This image is from the Data tab. There’s a field on the User type called userRole, and we set the default to gamer. Gamer isn’t a valid option the user can choose from, so when we log the user in, if it’s set to gamer we know to send them to the signup step.

Ahh wow. ok thanks

Hi David. Interesting discussion :slight_smile: What kind of app do you have? I was wondering because you write that your 5 questions are vital to the UX of your app. I’m just thinking that if you ask your users questions and they cannot abandon these questions in the sign up flow - aren’t you missing out of potential users that might want to use your app, but not have time for 5 questions right now? Of course if the answering is very essential I get why you need this, but have you considered that you might be able to reach the users and get good data by letting them use the software and then later answer these questions? In my research of sign up flow best practices I read an interesting article that claimed that users tend to fill out more data in the app if they are not forced to do it? Kill the wizard! | UX bleeps