Hi guys, been getting familiar with the programme and overall it looks great fit what I want to achieve, but I have a question.
The app I am making is for an organisation to manage events and ongoing programmes, and keep contact with members. However if another branch wants to do the same, without the content overlapping what would be the best way to sustain this?
Would it be a case of (at its very basic idea) member/admin accounts creating a data field (e.g. New York, London, Tokyo) at accoun sign up, and making visible content conditional on that, or is there a more elegant solution?
The way I see it, you would have one user account per branch location in the app. At signup, user could choose a branch location in a dropdown from the remaining (not yet taken) locations.
In your DB, you should also have a data field « location » in your Event data type, with similar values than in the « Choose location » dropdown at signup.
Then, to display a list of events matching the user’s branch location, you can simply have a RG and set the data source to Search for Events, with the constraint Location = Current User’s branch location