Hi everyone, I’m working with other people on the same bubble app. The problem is that while I work or work another person on different pages, I see errors appearing perhaps generated by him and the other way around. Is there a way to work at the same time and only see what the page I’m editing is about? Is it possible to do this in bubble?
Hello @rispoli.mar2803
It’ll be great, but right now it’s not. Higher Bubble plans have multiple users, but are not based on page/user error.
and beyond the errors, is it possible to carry out tests without continuously updating the page?thank you for your time
This is the second challenge I know. The only way is to push live, and test live. Talk to each other who make the update live. Manual mode for now.
is it possible to create a second version of the app? so that each user works on their own version? On another similar question, they said that on the pro-plan it is possible to create a second version of the app.
Bubble version-control: documentation
You can update the version control you are working on. There is no need to update the page on each change due to other development updates.
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