Native Send Email Workflow Problem after Gmail Acc was down

Hey guys,

My email inbox was offline for 2 days due to a failed payment with gmail.
Now, in my app (, the send email workflow is buggy. It goes out to the recipient but although I am in CC or BCC with my gmail adress ( I do not receive the mail copy. When I am the recipient, I do not receive it at all.

It looks that after my email was shut down for 2 days, my mail is kind of “immune” to the send email workflow. Here I use the default one offered by bubble.

Do you have any idea how i could fix the issue?

I tried to:

  • redeploy app
  • check gmail mail filtering options
  • delete workflow and set it up again

Here are two screenshots of my workflows:

thanks for your help.

Hey there @alessandro,

It might be Sendgrid having troubles delivering to your inbox. Have you checked your Sendgrid logs (if you’re using your own Sendgrid API keys)

hey johnny,
thanks for your answer.

I do not use own Sendgrid API keys, so I cannot log into any Sendgrid account.
Is the default mail workflow also using sendgrid or some AWS related mail service?


Just following up in case someone has the same problem:
My mail domain was on the bouncelist of bubble´s sendgrid account.

I talked to the bubble support team and they were able to delete me off the bounce list which finally solved the problem.