Navigation menu, header

Just starting out. Created a header. Please see this link.

It shows a green button with login/signup, which I did not add to the page.
How did it get there and how to remove?

Second question: How do I connect the navigation items in the header bar to actual pages? These are just text fields. I am hoping to buildout the app to provide a list of classes for a given subcategory and area(region or zip).
Bubble looked a lot easier in the demos!!!

Hi mntcastle,

possibly the green button is already part of the default page or header you used?

In either way, if you click elements, you can make elements hide or show on page load. Also at the top of the element menu there are conditionals, maybe the element is conditionally being hidden/shown?
You can look at the element tree in the middle left, to see which elements are hidden or shown on page load - hope this screenshot helps.

To make a button or text being clicked lead you to a page, go to the editor, click that button/text and click “edit workflow”. This will lead you to the workflow tab. Here you can add an action such as “When text is clicked” go to page:

I recommend you check some beginner bubble videos on youtube to help you understand the backends and functionality available. I have a few on my channel but feel free to check out other channels.

happy bubbling,