Need assistance on tax calculation

I want to calculate gross total income which is the total of house property income and business income which have inputs on different pages, basically two different pages. I want gross total income to be displayed on the tax computation page, I performed necessary actions like create a new thing for tax computation and then setting the fields like house property = 0, business income = 0 and gross total income = 0 and updated the data using make changes to a thing action, either isn’t working. I can see that inputs are being updated in house property income and business income data types, but in tax computation datatype the entries are being updated with 0.
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Please provide screenshots or a loom video of all the associated inputs, searches, and workflows so that we can better assist you. This is too vague and there are many reasons why you are not getting the desired behavior.

Hope the provided screenshots helps!

Are you sure the current user’s Tax Computation is not empty?

Tip: put a text on the screen that displays “Current user’s Tax computation unique ID” and then make sure that is pointing to the correct one in the Database

Can you help me out exactly where I need to make changes in the provided screenshots.

I tried to verify whether the current user’s Tax Computation entry exists and ensure that it’s not empty, navigated to the Page Where I Want to Display the Information and set the content as Current User’s Tax Computation’s Unique ID and previewed the page. However, the text element is blank or shows nothing.

Depending on your use case and flows basically you need to Create a thing (Tax Computation) and then Make Change to Current User (Tax computation = result of step 1) and you should be good now to reference it.

I have some doubts about saving the Tax Computation on the user, but I think you can figure that out over time.

For now, either create a button that says “create tax computation” which does what I mentioned, or add it to your user Signup/Creation flow so they always have one by default

Thanks for the help!

I just want to know your views on saving the Tax Computation on the user, as it helps me a lot to develop the product

When you store large lists or objects directly on the current user, you end up carrying all of that data around with you, even in cases where it’s unnecessary—like on a settings page that doesn’t require access to all those assessments. This can hurt performance and lead to inefficient data management. By keeping “Income_Assessments” as its own object, you avoid this, making it easier to retrieve only the data you need when you need it.

Example set up:

Income_Assessment object:

• User (the user who is completing the assessment)

• Other Objects you showed like house, personal income, tax computation, etc.

• Additional fields like:

• Archived? (yes or no)

• Nickname (a simple title for the assessment)

With this setup, you can easily search for “Income_Assessments” where the user is the Current User, and all your associated data will be neatly organized under that structure.

If users are likely to have between 1 and 99 Income_Assessments, storing this list under the User object for quick retrieval is fine. However, as the number of objects grows into the hundreds or thousands, performance can become an issue.

Appreciate that!

It will help me structure the database.

By doing this: Create a thing (Tax Computation) and then Make Change to Current User (Tax computation = result of step 1), Unique ID is visible on tax computation. However, business income, gross total income, house property income data fields in app data are being updated with 0. Could you help me resolve this issue?

Looks like you are not connecting your objects or referring to them correctly. When you create a thing; you need to attach it to another thing or add a reference field so you can look it up.

Did you create the object I suggested?
Create all your things and store them in there.

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