Need help fixing geocoding setup withGoogle

Any one available to help fix my API setup for Google geocode.
I think I have followed everything correctly but still does not work. Need help.

Have you followed the video in these docs verbatim?

This should be quite straight forward. Can you share where you are stuck? Have you set up your Google Console to access the keys?

Yes, I have a console and have created both the APIs, Client and Server and pasted them in. I have a payment account as well. I have the correct web format in the restrictions and have both enabled the needed APIs and listed them for each API. Done this over ten times.
Quite exhausted why it is not working.
Did before

Hmm… this is quite strange. You seem to have done whats required - but not sure about your use case / how the app works. Can you share a short loom video - will try to help out.

This youtube video should help with setting it up, but you seem to have done whats required, but just in case - check it out: