Need help urgently please

Please bubble users I need help in getting this done.
first there should be a radio button for choosing if you are an auto detailer or a customer

after that if you choose an auto detailer, it should ask you to choose if you are mobile or have an address

if chose to have an address you open a text box to enter the address

if mobile you just go to next step,

provide a phone number for the business

then take a picture of driver license and take picture of their face beside their driver license

then they upload their availability and their rate

and their p a y ment informatio to get paid from the customer

then whenever there is an appointment they should be notified through notification, this is auto detailer side

then for the customer side

they should be able to sign in with basic information such as name e mail phone number and address

they should choose a date, and also if they prefer mobile or a shop

then they choose date and location

then the app should display all available auto detailers in the area that customer chose

oh before displaying the available ones

they should be able to choose if their car is sedan or suv or van or truck

then the system display the auto detailers with their rate

then they can choose an auto detailer and p a y

p a y ment will be on hold until customer say their car is done and then it will release 70 percent to auto detailer and 30 percent to my account

is that something you could do? its simple the ui is not that important at this point
one point I forgot to mention auto detailer should be able to choose services and prices and customer should see it in the list