[New Feature] Make API call directly in the browser, if possible

Thanks @vini_brito

Nice and clean explanation, as always :).

Have a good day all!

Will this option also be added to the plugin editor for API calls created in a plugin?

Yes, it would be possible to make a plugin that handles client-side POST operations.

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Presumably most apis can be called client side with the fetch method right?

I just mean that I call my Firebase api without going to my Api tab in the plugin builder.

Absolutely love this feature, thanks!

However I am getting some inconsistency with it. Works on Chrome, but not on Safari or Firefox for some reason. Anybody else experience that?

@gerry98 I have a call that initializes in the editor (via api connector) but when i try to call it in an app it pops a “expected a 2XX statusCode but got 0” error. Any ideas? No headers/private params

the call in question: https://www64.myfantasyleague.com/[year]/export?TYPE=draftResults&L=[league id]&APIKEY=&JSON=1

Got this same error on some of my calls… Had to reinitialize the API connection to get it to work…

Also sometimes the initialization with the “Attempt to make the call from the browser” option checked seemed to mess up the response… Fields that were returned as “Status Online” started getting returned with a dot in place of spaces, ie “Status.Online” which messed up my app. PS: I’ve checked the API response directly and nothing has changed. Seems like a bug with this new feature.

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@gerry98 seems like there is a problem when using this feature on a mobile browser (mobile Safari in the pic below).

Browser API calls won’t work on mobile at all. If I open the same page (or others that use this feature) on a desktop browser (including Safari) all works well. Any ideas?

@andyestridge Be carefull of including your api key in a url parameter if it is considered a secret - it can easily be seen by users.

@gerry98 Any chance you guys have considered opening up for allowing headers yet? It would open up a lot of new ways to make our apps faster when connecting to external services that for some reason or the other need headers. You could make it an “advanced” that needed to be activated under settings.

There is no api key there :blush:. Just an empty param

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Nice work Gerry & Bubble! This looks super useful. Can’t wait to try it!

@gerry98 any updates on this? I have a couple apps that would greatly benefit from browser side API calls :slight_smile:

Hello, I don’t have the option “Make the call directly in the browser”

I don’t understand why

Thank you

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@gerry98 Is there any update on this? I have some API calls that would greatly benefit from client side calls. (api limits & speeeeed) This could be a really huge boon for me :slight_smile:

@gerry98 any update on allowing headers (at least non-private ones)? Almost all my calls need a header in some way, and that would be awesome if this could be allowed.

Bumping this to the top as I recalled reading this ages ago and with all the external bubble db chat going around I thought this might be relevant to implementing xano

Also out of curiosity could someone make a plugins to replace the api connector that would be faster

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Hey @chad

But due to the limitations of the feature such as no header, … if you have some kind of authentication it won’t work.

Ah right

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Hey @gerry98

Any news about “Use as” an “Action” to make the call?

Thanks a lot.