[New Plugin] Bdk Text Editor

This feature request is now available:


Can I not enable auto-binding on parent elements thing with this text editor? Maybe I am missing something. My users will need to type something and they should not have to hit save or they might lose their work. I am having the page save the editors content every 5 seconds to the post. not sure if that is a smart way to do it or not?

Yeah it doesn’t support auto binding at the moment. I’ll add this to feature request and look at what can be done. :+1:

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Hi @gaurav - just got the text editor, it’s a great plugin thanks for building.

I’m using it for a blog and comment system and had a few questions/observations:

  • When using it to output the text, is it possible to have the height expand to fit the full text? At the moment you need to scroll to read the full text.
  • When displaying output using HTML element, the monotype / serif formatting doesn’t seem to be applying.
  • Font choice/styling: I see this has been requested above. I’d just like to add that this would be a very useful addition to have. I’m not using a custom font, but having the ability to output fonts in the saved ‘style’ (weight/line spacing etc) I’m using in the app would be essential for the blog.




Awesome thanks @Guarav! For anyone else using the plugin now, I have put in an invisible input which has the placeholder as the BDK editors value and enable auto-binding on this input


Hi @marconappolini

Thanks for the feedback!
Just got done with a new plugin :smiley: so back to bdk text editor. Yes you’re right that couple of these features have been requested by multiple users. I’m looking into these now and hope to keep making it useful to more users.


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[Plugin Update] Dec 20, 2018

Just released an update to the plugin.
Now you can ‘Stretch to fit content’ the text editor. Enjoy :smiley:

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Is anyone else seeing that the size of the output from the BDK Text Editor is very large when you include images? I have about 150 test blog posts with very little text. When I copy and paste or use the insert image button the HTML that renders is very very long and creates a large Post file size. The size of my export All Posts.csv fie is 3.6mb. This means pulling in this data in a repeating group is really slow in my app. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this?

@tmuelle1 The images are being converted from their native mime type into an encoded base64 string, which is in turn outputting that lengthy HTML when drag-dropping/copy-pasting/inserting-image. The way around this is to upload files to your Bubble app’s database (using a file uploader element, separate from this plugin --OR-- some other accessible internet source like S3, WordPress media library, etc), retrieve the URL and paste it inline in the text editor. When adding images this way the plugin won’t convert to base64 and instead will insert a <img src...> HTML element automatically linking to (and displaying) the image file. You won’t generate giant HTML output following this method.

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Thank you @philip and @gaurav. I will use a workaround for now to add images to the posts. One more question for @gaurav - has anyone asked or is there a way now to put Bubble elements within my BDK TextEditor HTML content? For e.g. I would like to put a repeating group or a form in the content I am creating using a [token] like Wordpress. I know this is probably a tall order - just wondering if anyone has discussed this.

Sorry I’m a bit confused by the question. Are you asking if (a) you can put the text editor in a repeating group or (b) you could use the text editor as a group and place bubble element e.g. dropdown as part of the content of the group ?
The answer to (a) is certainly yes while (b) is no

Hi Everyone, this is probably a noob question but I have the Better Text Editor showing differently than the HTML block on my page. A screenshot is attached. The user inputs something, hits save and then sees a preview of what the finished content will look like. Is there a way to make them look the same? Under “PREVIEW” is the HTML element showing the Better Text Editors saved content.

Can you share a link to the editor to take a look?

Thanks @gaurav! here is a link to the page https://bubble.io/page?type=page&name=admin_refer_settings&id=subd&tab=tabs-1

Hi @tmuelle1,
It does look like a bug. If you switch the previous version of the plugin does it work fine? I’m wondering if a recent ‘initial font size’ feature that I added is causing this issue.

Hi @gaurav I tried switching to the previous version and it did not work. Is there a CSS file that might have a broken link?

Looks like html works except for heading styles h1, h2… I think that might be a bubble issue actually. If you try putting in static heading in html such as <h1> Hello </h1> it doesnt work in bubble

Do you have any suggestions on how I can fix it for the Better Text Editor HTML output so that what is in the Better Text Editor displays the same in an HTML block?

Basically you can’t use h1 h2 tags etc. in bubble html element. Not just bdk Text Editor but in general too. I usually just use bdk Text Editor (in air mode and read-only turned on) instead of html element. That renders exactly as it was entered.