[New plugin] Beautiful Customizable Charts and Graphs (ApexCharts.js)

Biggest Update Yet - 2.0.0 - 2 New Elements (Heatmap & Radar)! - Workflow actions added!

1 - This major update introduces a new element, the Heatmap. This chart is fully customizable (just like the other charts). I does work a bit differently then the other charts so be sure to check the demo page. More customizability and features will be added in later updates. Big thanks to @jici for providing insight in his heatmap plugin for example code!


2 - Also the Radar chart element is added! This chart is also fully customizable. See the demo page for a preview.

Radar chart preview

3 - New workflow action ‘Append Data Series’ for Area chart 2 - lines. This gives you the ability to append UNLIMITED more data series to your chart! See demo page.

Append data preview

4 - The action ‘show’ and ‘hide’ data series are also added for the Bar chart (2 bars) and Area chart (2 lines) to give you the ability to programatically hide and show data series. Keep in mind that workflow action work when the chart is loaded/visible. This is great for custom legends like this one:


5 - The plugin now handles searching for large amounts of data much better.

6 - Added the ‘fill color opacity’ field for bar charts.

7 - Replaced the remains color field for the bar chart 2 bars with native Bubble color pickers. Note: this may reset the color of the bar (multiple bars) chart.

8 - The ‘hideDuplicates’ property is now turned off for the x-axis.

Don’t forget to refresh your editor after upgrading

Because of the amount of new features and elements, bugs may be present. If you notice any bugs, please reach out via PM. Enjoy!