[New plugin] Beautiful Customizable Charts and Graphs (ApexCharts.js)

Update 3.1.0

1 - All the charts now have an ‘Is loaded?’ state that will be set to ‘yes’ when the chart is loaded (doesn’t work yet with data from custom states). This is great for making custom loaders! Like this one from the demo page:


2 - You can now add unlimited more data series to the Bar chart 2 bars!


3- The new option ‘Show category on tooltip’ lets you show the category value on the tooltip (without showing the x-axis tooltip at the same time).

4 - Added the option ‘Enable fixed tooltip’ that fixes the position of the tooltip to the top left of the chart.

5 - Added the ability to place the data labels at the top of the columns for bar charts.

6 - The list with suffixes now also contains currencies.

7 - Added more marker style options for the Radar chart.

Don’t forget to refresh your editor after upgrading