Is there a way to send notifications with PWA, i thought that was possible now…
Hi @ricardojgrant and @maximilien.godeau.of, thanks for your questions.
Yes PWA supports notifications, but regretfully it is not a PWA feature, you need to use something like Onesignal, or push notifications from Firebase for that.
Regretfully, there is no possibility to create an app without internet usage, namely, when you want to use the database and create things there. This is the Bubble platform limitation, thus here our capacities are quite limited.
Hope these answers help. If there is anything else that we can help with about our plugins, please let us know.
Rapid Dev Support Team
Hello, sorry, I’m french speaking guy and speaking/writing in English is not one of my skills Anyway, it seems to be impossible to manage this plugin in order to install the PWA on IOS and have an icon on the screen. Am I wrong ?
Hi @Al_Bundy_2000, thanks for your question.
Please be aware that Apple is quite strict regarding Splash Screens. Splash Screens are only shown correctly on iOS devices if you specify and upload a file for all the different device orientations.
If some screens are missing, it can work incorrectly.
Hope this answers your question. If there is anything else that we can help with, please let us know.
Rapid Dev Support Team
Thank you for your answer. I’ve created and uploaded a PNG image for all the resolution asked by the plugin. When my page is loaded, a popup appear with the question “would you like to install the PWA?” → When I click on yes on a android phone, everything is working perfectly. But, on IOS, nothing appears after I click on “yes, install”. I’m doing my tests on an iPhone 7 - version 15.8.3.
Best regards
@Al_Bundy_2000 thanks for your reply and the additional details shared.
Let us check internally if the PWA is compatible with the mentioned version.
Once our developers will get a result, we will let you know as soon as possible.
Thank you for understanding
Rapid Dev Support Team
Hi @Al_Bundy_2000,
From a french guy speaking english to another french guy speaking in english too.
I think it can not work like that on iOS. Only on iOS device, you will have to do the following steps :
- Visit the PWA’s website on Safari
- Tap the ‘Share’ button
- Select ‘Add to Home Screen’ from the popup
That’s how i manage it for our PWA custom made. With this plugin, i do not know but curious to have your answers @rapidevelopers
HI @NGBK , great tip ! It works ! As we say in french “Impossible n’est pas français” → Many thanx
Hi @Al_Bundy_2000, just to confirm, the devs checked the case, and indeed the @NGBK is right (thank you )
Just to complete a bit:
For Android, the installation process is usually more streamlined and can be prompted directly from the browser with a popup asking to install the PWA. However, on iOS, the process is different due to Apple’s restrictions.
This is the standard way to install PWAs on iOS devices, including older versions like iPhone 7 with iOS 15.8.3.
If there are any other questions about our plugin, please let us know
Rapid Dev Support Team
I’ve acquired this plugin sometime ago and the issue I have is that after the user installs the PWA in their mobile phone and open the PWA it will not keep the user logged in anymore (in this case the user logged in the browser before installing the PWA). This seems to be an issue with older apple models like iphone 7 or 8 . For newer versions, it works great. Do you have any suggestion that could solve this issue? thanks
Hi @daviyuri, thanks for your message and reporting this issue.
The developer team will check what could be done in this regard. Once they share feedback, we will let you know as soon as possible.
Thank you for understanding
Rapid Dev Support Team
Hello @rapidevelopers,
Thank you for this plugin!
I am trying this plugin on an app with an Agency plan.
I have followed instructions from your docs.
I have uploaded all the images for each splash screen sizes.
The PWA is working but the splash screens does not work on iOS (version 18.1.1). I have not tested it on Android yet.
When opening the PWA from homescreen, screen is black (last around 10s), then there is the popup to indicate username and password (due to the fact app is on an Agency plan), then PWA opens.
Is it possible that the fact the app is on Agency plan causes :
- Issue with splash screen that does not appear?
- 10s delay when opening the PWA from homescreen?
If it is not linked to Agency plan, what could cause those 2 issues?
Thank you for your support!
Hi @mossoc99, thanks for your message.
We doubt that the application plan might influence the plugin functionality. Still, for a better understanding, to see what could be the issue, we recommend sharing a screencast with the setup you are trying to implement to @ZeroqodeSupport , as they recently acquired this plugin.
Rapid Dev Support Team
Hi @rapidevelopers,
Thank you for your reply, I have contacted @ZeroqodeSupport as suggested.
Kind regards
Hi @mossoc99,
Thank you for your message. We wanted to confirm that we have received it and are currently reviewing it with our team.
We will get back to you by Monday. Thank you for your patience, and we wish you a great weekend ahead.
Support Team
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Hey @mossoc99,
Hope you’re doing well!
Just wanted to confirm that we’ve received your message and replied to you in DM.
Feel free to continue the conversation wherever it’s most convenient for you.
Best regards,
Support Team
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