[New plugin] Create a product tour for your app 🚩

Yep, this is certainly possible @omerbialer1! It involves a slightly more complicated setup, but what you can do is:

  • Create a tour as normal for the steps before the focus group, but put them in a custom event (I’ve called my custom event ‘Tour 1’ in the below example)

  • Add a second Product Tour element to the page…

  • …and create a second custom event (I’ve called mine ‘Tour 2’)

  • Show the focus group as the first action of Tour 2 and then add the rest of the steps in the tour
  • You’ll also want to to Start Tour 2 (or ProductTourB) as the final action in this workflow
  • Trigger Tour 1 when the page is loaded

  • And trigger Tour 2 when ProductTourA (Tour 1) is completed

You’re effectively chaining tours together to include the focus group in the product tour.

One final step: you’ll want to hide the focus group after that section of the tour is complete. You can use a ‘when condition is true’ workflow action with the plugin’s ‘step index’ to hide the focus group after the user has moved onto the next step.

You should be able to get something like this (Step 3 is a group in a focus group):

2024-01-04 10.34.04

I’ve set the editor behind this example to be public, so you can take a look at it here :slight_smile: