[New plugin] Create a product tour for your app đŸš©

@openocean.tampa ah ok I understand your situation now. As you’ve correctly identified, the approach I previously highlighted will unfortunately not work if you’re using reusables.

I have a workaround that should do the trick, but it will involve some additional workflows.

This demo app has a dashboard page with 2 reusable elements on it (reusable A and reusable B):

The aim is to highlight the shaded group within each of the reusables. To do this, you can:

  • Add an ID Attribute to the target groups as normal
  • Add a yes/no custom state to the reusable element itself (I’ve called mine ‘progress_tour?’)
  • Set the default state to ‘no’

  • Add a workflow to the target group, so that when it’s clicked the custom state gets changed to ‘yes’

  • Back on the dashboard page, add a workflow action that goes to the next product tour step whenever the reusable’s ‘progress_tour?’ custom state is ‘yes’
  • Add an additional step that changes the custom state back to ‘no’ after the tour is progressed

  • Do the same thing for any other reusable elements you have and you should be able to get something like this:

2024-01-09 09.09.24

Please note you will need to set the ‘Can click on highlighted elements’ box to true for this to work:

Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 09.11.01

I’ve left the editor where I created this mini demo available for everyone to view (link is here), so you can take a look at the underlying workflows.

Hope that helps and let me know if it works for you :slight_smile:

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Thanks for doing all this and breaking it down! I am traveling for a conference this week and won’t be able to implement until next week. Just so you don’t think I am leaving you hanging like that haha. Very much appreciate all the support and will be sure to update once I get a chance!

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No problem at all @openocean.tampa :slight_smile: Let me know how you get on when you’re back and enjoy the conference!

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Hey @alexcooney5! I’ve been playing some more and got a got start to what I want to accomplish. I think I ran into a small bug / issue though

I can’t seem to make these conditionals work on the plugin:

I took a video showing what happens here

The weird part is that the conditional seems to kick in after when I click back and function how I originally intended it to, but for some reason it doesn’t the first time (which obviously is most important).

Thank you for reporting this @openocean.tampa, it is indeed a bug.

I will look into it and report back when I have a fix. It may be a week or so before I can get to this as I’ve a few other things I need to get to.

If you need to get this fixed ASAP, you could look at chaining tours together. I’ve outlined how to do this in this post:

You would effectively want to create a brand new tour for each of the conditional steps and chain this together with the original tour.

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Sweet! Sounds good, thanks.

I also just noticed that the rich text editor doesn’t seem to work either. I put text in italics and it just comes out like [i]Text[/i].

Sorry to keep blowing you up haha but I think I found another bug.

It seems to happen when I have two different tours, each in their own respective reusable element. Attaching screenshots for reference:

Hi @openocean.tampa,

The plugin uses HTML rather than bbcode (which is what’s applied if you click on the italics button in the rich text editor). To get italics, you’ll need to put < i > tags around the text:

See step 3 in this tour:

2024-01-22 08.28.31

For your second query

Are you placing the ProductTour element in the reusable elements themselves? Or on the page where the reusables are placed?

You’ll need to put the ProductTour element on the page.

If this doesn’t help I’m happy to take a look at your editor and try and figure out the problem :slight_smile: If you’d like me to do this, can you send me a private message with a link to your editor?

Whoops, yup the < i > tags did the trick :man_facepalming:t4:. Thanks haha.

And I actually was using the product tour in the reusable elements themselves but I think I found a workaround that solved the bug from occurring. I added a conditional to the page load workflow that triggers the custom event for the product tour that says when this element is visible.

So for my use case, only one of these reusable elements can be visible at a time and that means that only one of the product tours can be working at a time.

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January-24 Update
Just released detailed documentation on how to use the A+ Onboarding - Product Tour plugin - can be found here.

Any questions just let me know :slight_smile:

Hello there

Strangely while the plugin highlights some elements it doesn’t do the same for all elements. Finds the element location nicely, scrolls there but doesn’t highlight it. Anyone had the same issue before?


Hi @enginalemdar, I haven’t come across this issue before to be honest.

Would you be able to send me a link to your editor? That way I can take a look and figure out what’s going on :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @alexcooney5

I’m not sure if I setup everything correctly but I have an issue.

There are some conditional steps on my product tour. Running the first tour works fine with the user selected condition. But the following tours (i mean if the user restarts the tour and select another condition) the tour starts from the beginning and firstly shows the previous selected condition steps and once it finished starts again with the current selected condition.

It was a bit difficult to explain but hopefully I did :slight_smile:

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Hi @enginalemdar, this is a good question.

You’re getting duplicate steps because you’re running the ‘Add a step in Product Tour’ on the same element twice.

  • Once when you load the tour the first time
  • And again when you ‘restart’ the tour

To avoid this, I recommend putting the ‘adding steps’ actions in a different workflow to where you click a button to restart the tour.

For example, in my demo app (editor link is here) I am loading all the relevant steps in the tour on page load and starting the tour:

When a user clicks the ‘Restart Tour’ button, I’m simply starting the tour again using the ‘Start ProductTour’ action. I am not adding any steps in:

If you want to conditionally add steps to various points of a second instance of a tour, it’s going to be tricky I’m afraid.

You could absolutely add in additional steps at the end of the tour by using the ‘Add a step’ for the new steps only and then using the ‘Start a ProductTour’ action to restart the tour. However, you won’t be able to new steps to the middle of the existing tour as there is currently no way to remove Steps from a tour.

One workaround would be to refresh the page after the tour has been completed for the first time. This will remove all steps from the tour. You could then allow the user to set new steps and effectively allow them to take the conditionally selected tour.

Apologies for the lengthy response but hope that helps.

Also, I think I’ve understood your question correctly, but if I haven’t just let me know and we can try again :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply @alexcooney5

I’ve tried the solution you mentioned but unfortunately didn’t work. Yes you’re right, when the page is refreshed the tour steps are being cleared. But its a bit annoying for the users.

My app is a financial planning app and we guide our users how to create plans according their revenue model choice. So each time the user choose different revenue model, we show them different fields. And users may want to see the other revenue model options right after guided one.

So, do you think is there any other way to clear the steps without refreshing the page?

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I hear you @enginalemdar.

I don’t have a better workaround and I would really like to be able to offer you the ability to clear the existing tour steps.

Let me investigate how I might add this feature and I’ll get back to you by Monday evening with an update. No guarantees, but hopefully this should be possible.

Apologies for the inconvenience and appreciate the feedback.

@eren gave me this idea. Tried a few times but didn’t work. Maybe it can help you as well :slight_smile:

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Hi @enginalemdar, good news! I was able to add this functionality much more easily than expected :slight_smile:

I’ve just released a new version of the plugin (version 2.4.0). It includes a new action called ‘Remove steps’.

You can use this action to clear all existing steps from a tour.

I’ve built a new page into the demo app (page here and editor here) that shows how it can be used.

I’m loading the steps on page load as usual and triggering the tour. However, the ‘Clear Steps and Run New Tour’ button in the side nav menu uses the new ‘Clear steps’ action and then adds alternative steps to the tour.

The user sees the standard tour the first time, but a different tour the second time:

2024-03-01 17.02.52

Can you let me know if that works for you?

wow. let me try :slight_smile: amazing service @alexcooney5 thanks

Edit: @alexcooney5 it worked! Thanks a lot.

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Glad to help @enginalemdar :slight_smile: