[New Plugin] Drag It - Enhance Your Repeating Groups with Drag-and-Drop Functionality: Rearrange, Sort, Reorder, and Transfer Items Between RGs Effortlessly

I take it back! We re-reviewed our setup and had copied the original dragit repeatinggroup so the element ID was on the repeating group in the popup. Thank you for this direction!

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That’s excellent news; has the problem been resolved now?

It has!

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This plugin looks amazing… is there a solution to the situation in which one column on a Kanban has many more items than the others? Eg, if a new project has 50 items all in to-do, and a user wants to move the last item over to in progress, it seems that it can’t move it to the next column… this is great on columns with a similar number of items, but when imbalanced, seems that the drop space is not accessible. Has anyone got a solution to that? Is it possible to make the drop space the length of the whole group so no matter where an item is dropped in the column it will take?

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I am also struggling a bit to understand if this can store the sort order when I have a single repeating group and the data is based on a search for… rather than a stored list. basically, I have a Survey and I have Questions. My current structure is that each Question has a Survey, so I populate the RG using a search for Questions that have the Survey.

Before changing my data structure, I want to check if there is a way to store the sort order of the Questions without having a List of Questions field in my Survey… thanks…

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Hello @TekaTeki

I hope you’re doing well.

In response to your question, the drop area for DragIt is the associated repeating group. Therefore, if you configure the repeating group’s settings to not fit the content, it will allow you to drop items at the bottom of the columns.

I have constructed an example here:
Artisan-plugnplay | Bubble Editor

If you need to have the order index of the items, you can use this approach for updating the index value of items:

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