[New Plugin] ICS Maker - iCalendar file (.ics) maker

hi there,
I am a happy customer of both your calendar plugins.

However, when sending the created .ics file to Outlook (using Timezone ID=Europe/Stockholm) Outlook adds 1 hour. Google works fine.

Any suggestion or knowledge on what to do?
thanks Christina

Hi Christina,

Thank you for using the plugins.

Is your timezone ID in outlook calendar settings the same as the timezone ID you used to create the ics file?

If you are able to DM me the link to the ics created, I can troubleshoot the file on my end as well.


yes it says (UTC+1) like this:

I will DM the link. Thx.

here it is: https://s3.amazonaws.com/appforest_uf/f1664865939671x796290907257426400/SkateAktiviteter.ics

I too would like an answer to this

I noticed that it works fine during winter time. So right now also Outlook works fine.

Good afternoon! I bought your plugin.
Question 1. Can I configure deleting an event from the calendar? For example, when I click on the “delete” button in bubble. Maybe there is an option to just send a link to delete?
Question 2. Can I create a recurring list of events? For example, I have an event repeated every week and I need to have a notification for every week

Hi there,

Thanks for purchasing the plugin.

  • You would have to regenerate an updated calendar file when events change. Having dynamic iCal links is a challenge since bubble does not allow us to update a file and keep the same URL link. I have written about work arounds and you can find it in this post: How to create dynamic ical subscription

  • If you want to add more fields to your calendar file to capture items like recurring events, then you can use the JSON to ICS action of the plugin which will allow you to customize the ics file content to fit your use-case. You can find more information on this at https://d39.bubble.is/site/equina-playground/ics_maker

Hope this helps,


hello! Thanks for the answer! But I had a problem when copying a json file from your manual, I had a problem in bubble “Unable to resolve DNS for https”. Don’t know how to solve it? I have a bubble domain https://glinkadev.bubbleapps.io/version-test



Try your domain bare or with www.

Regarding copying the JSON text from the workflow, I don’t have an issue on my end. Please reach out to bubble so they can investigate. In the mean time, I’m pasting you the template here:

“PRODID”: “-//Calendar Labs//Calendar 1.0//EN”,
“VERSION”: “2.0”,
“X-WR-CALNAME”: “Usa Holidays”,
“X-WR-TIMEZONE”: “America/New_York”,
“DTSTART;VALUE=DATE”: “20130101”,
“DTEND;VALUE=DATE”: “20130102”,
“DTSTAMP”: “20111213T124028Z”,
“UID”: “9d6fa48343f70300fe3109efe@calendarlabs.com”,
“CREATED”: “20111213T123901Z”,
“DESCRIPTION”: “Visit http”,
“LAST-MODIFIED”: “20111213T123901Z”,
“SEQUENCE”: “0”,
“SUMMARY”: “New Year’s Day”,
“DTSTART;VALUE=DATE”: “20130121”,
“DTEND;VALUE=DATE”: “20130122”,
“DTSTAMP”: “20111213T124028Z”,
“UID”: “03fd8b92ac65ba1d2883d915c@calendarlabs.com”,
“CREATED”: “20111213T123901Z”,
“DESCRIPTION”: “Visit http”,
“LAST-MODIFIED”: “20111213T123901Z”,
“SEQUENCE”: “0”,
“SUMMARY”: “M L King Day”,
“DTSTART;VALUE=DATE”: “20130214”,
“DTEND;VALUE=DATE”: “20130215”,
“DTSTAMP”: “20111213T124028Z”,
“UID”: “4ea01fceaa9f61bbacb7d7ba6@calendarlabs.com”,
“CREATED”: “20111213T123901Z”,
“DESCRIPTION”: “Visit http”,
“LAST-MODIFIED”: “20111213T123901Z”,
“SEQUENCE”: “0”,
“SUMMARY”: “Valentine’s Day”,

Hi bubblers. Is it real create with this plugin ics file to display it as in screenshot:

I tried JSON Prime but ics file look in gmail without this buttons:

Hi @vitaly

In the plugin, there is a JSON to ICS option so you can format your own ICS to capture more ics fields for ATTENDEE, ORGANIZER etc.

Plugin info: https://d39.bubble.is/site/equina-playground/ics_maker
Reference for rsvp fields in ics format: macos - Getting a rsvp response from a created .ics file - Stack Overflow

Hope this helps

thank you for advise, but it doesn’t work for me. I add Attendes but file does’t opend at all