🚀 [New Plugin] PDF Creator

Hi @alexcooney5 ,

First of all, many thanks for your efforts! Such a needed plugin you’ve built!

Need support for charts displaying. I have two charts plugins: 1. Apex Charts and 2. Chartjs

While the plugin renders Chartjs charts, I can’t see the Apex Charts charts. Is it something that you can fix? It’s a bit urgent need.

Thanks in advance

Thanks for the kind words @enginalemdar!

Yes, I have to add additional code to PDF Creator to handle all the various chart plugins out there and I haven’t yet done so for the Apex Charts one.

Can you confirm which specific plugin you’re using? I’ll see what I can do.

Hi @alexcooney5

So far I only detected Apex Charts plugin

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Thanks @enginalemdar. There are a number of Apex Charts plugins available. Is this the one you’re using?

Or maybe this one?

If you let me know I can update the plugin to be compatible with them :slight_smile:

The second one I have :slight_smile:

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Thanks @enginalemdar. It will take a bit of work to make these charts compatible with the PDF Creator plugin, but I’ll get on it and report back once I’ve made some progress.

Just as an FYI, PDF Creator is compatible with the popular Chart JS plugin:

and the native Bubble charts plugin:

Just in case you’re under time pressure and need an alternative charts solution that you can use with PDF Creator :slight_smile:

Hi @enginalemdar, just wanted to let you know that I’m still working on making PDF Creator compatible with the Apex Chart plugin.

It’s proving to be a bit tricky, but I’m hoping to have some progress to report later this week :slight_smile:

Thanks for your patience and I’ll keep you updated.

Parece ser muito bom esse plugin.
Preciso de um desse, porém o valor em $ para o Brasil fiscal alto.

Hi @enginalemdar, I just released a new version of PDF Creator (version 1.19.3) that is compatible with the Apex Chart plugin :slight_smile:

2024-05-15 16.18.52

I’m creating an A4 flyer 794 x 1122, but the plugin is creating 2 blank pages in front of the flyer. Tried lots of tweaks to the elements inside the ID group, but nothing works - any suggestions why??

Hi @peter8, that’s strange but should be fixable.

Going to send you a private message shortly requesting access to your editor so I can take a closer look at your editor :slight_smile:

Thanks Alex :slight_smile: But recently I’m getting this error message. Have no idea how to fix. Here is the message:

InvalidCharacterError: Failed to execute ‘btoa’ on ‘Window’: The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range.

@enginalemdar that’s an interesting error code that I have not come across before! Are you using any special characters in the PDF you’re creating?

I’ll probably need access to your editor to figure this one out - will send you a private message shortly to arrange :slight_smile:

Hi Alex, amazing plugin. What would be your approach to create a 10-50pages (each page is a database row, title + images), via a backend workflow?
Where user don’t see the visual element of the PDF but just clicks “generate PDF”.

Hi @Vincent_London, thanks for the kind words!

Unfortunately PDF Creator can not be used in backend workflows or create PDFs of elements that are not visible on the page.

However, you may be interested in PDF Potion! This is a new tool I recently released that allows you to design PDFs in one page of your Bubble app. Users can then generate a PDF of that page from anywhere else in the app.

It can be used in backend workflows :slight_smile:

I built PDF Potion to solve all the limitations people encountered when using PDF Creator and all the other PDF plugins on the Bubble marketplace.

If you end up checking it out, feel free to shoot me a message with any questions you might have.

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Hello! Quick question, I need to export my PDF for printing and the printers have suggested it needs to be in pdf/x-4 format. Is this something your plugin supports? Thanks

Hi @thomasherron01, thanks for your interest in my plugin!

I’m afraid PDF Creator can’t generate PDFs in pdf/x-4 format. Sorry about that.

Hi Alex,

I have watched your video guidance and read the documentation, but I can’t seem to produce desire page breaks (different pages) for elements. Example scenario, I have 3 elements, with attribute IDs A, B and C, and I want these three to be in separate/new page. I have inserted A,B and C into the editor, selected page break = Yes and generate pdf but all elements are cramped into 1 pdf page.

Can you help me?

Can this make pdfs of pages that are not visible?

Hi @kapitani.tech, I replied to your email on this, but just wanted to confirm here too:

iIt’s not currently possible to add page breaks to specific elements with PDF Creator.

However, I can understand why this would be a useful feature.

I’ll investigate what’s involved in adding this functionality and let you know :slight_smile:

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