{new plugin} Swipe Detector (iOS and Android)

No fanfare.

I’ve put a low-cost swipe detector on the marketplace to replace the other pricier versions. I needed this for my flashcard study app and the tinder pile plugins weren’t working cause I’m not using pictures. The next update push will recognize mouse swipes on any device instead of only finger swipes on touch devices.

Price Comparison

Mine’s 5$ flat fee

you can see it in actual use in this app

get it here

$2/month for subscription
$5 flat fee to purcase

will detect

any swipe
swipe up
swipe down
swipe left
swipe right


Nice stuff! @jared.gibb

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Thanks @cmarchan , this one was a quick fix for my real need! I am trying to imitate the styling that quizlet’s app uses. and i’m super close!!! (close enough to move on for now!)

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